Loans By Phone
Up To $2,000
When you find yourself in a cash emergency, and you're not near a store and don't have internet access, Speedy Cash is here to help with LOANBYPHONE.
Choose how you would like to receive your cash.
As a direct lender, there is no middleman involved. Your information will never be sold to another lender.
Speedy Cash abides by state laws and regulations, do you always have a fair and honest loan experience.
*In Texas, Speedy Cash operates as a Registered Credit Access Business (CAB). The actual Lender is an unaffiliated third party.
How do Loans by Phone Work?
A Customer Service Representative will collect your information over the phone to help you complete an application.
You will receive a lending decision. If approved, sign your loan documents to agree to the terms.
Once you sign your loan documents, select how to receive your money and get your cash as soon as tomorrow!
Loans by Phone from Speedy Cash*
Speedy Cash offers loans by phone, depending on your state, designed to help you with your current financial situation.
Payday Loans
Installment Loans
Line of Credit Loans
A line of credit loan is different from other cash loans. If you're approved for a line of credit, you will receive a credit limit and you can access your available credit at any time. Interest is typically charged daily, so it's best to only borrow what you need at the time. A line of credit remains available to you even after you pay it off for up to a year, making it quick and easy to get cash should you need it again.
*Loans by phone are not available in Ohio
Loan by Phone Questions
Speedy Cash is happy to help. You can sign loan documents via email or online for a quick, convenient experience. However, we know that not everyone has access to the internet or a smart phone. We can fax your loan documents to you, or you can stop by a store nearby to complete the process if necessary.
A Loan by Phone simply means that the loan is processed over the phone vs in person or online, where applicable. A phone loan, is another term for Loan by phone, so yes they are the same type of loan.
To apply, you must have steady source of income, an active checking account in your name, and provide your personal information including:
- Home address
- Phone number(s)
- Work address
- Employment information
- Income information
Looking for a little more information about Loans by Phone?
Our Help Center covers these questions and more in order to make the process as simple as possible for you!
Did you receive a reservation number in the mail? Click here to get started.