Quick, No Hassle Money Orders from Speedy Cash
Every year, for my birthday, my grandmother sends me a card and a crisp, fresh from the bank $20 bill. When I was little, my mom would watch me open my card and pocket the money. Numerous times over the years, mom mentioned that sending cash via the mail was not the best idea. She wasn’t criticizing grandmother’s choice to send birthday money but teaching me a lesson for the future. Luckily, there is an alternative to sending cash in the mail. Money orders, which are trackable and can be purchased from Speedy Cash locations nationwide, are a great way to send money for bills or other purpose. Thousands of our customers utilize money orders as a banking alternative and tool each year.
So, how does a money order work?
If you’re wondering where to get a money order and how to use a money order, you’re in luck. We put together an easy to reference guide that can help you with the basics of money orders before you head into a Speedy Cash store.

Why use a money order?
Using a money order is an alternate, widely accepted way to make payments. Sending cash is risky because there is no way to track funds and ensure proper delivery. A money order allows you to identify the intended recipient and a valid ID is typically needed to cash a money order. The ability to track a money order is another great reason to opt for this payment type. Money orders are a needed tool for millions of Americans when making payments where cash is not accepted. Stop by your local Speedy Cash store to purchase a Money Order or discover our other convenient store services such as Money Transfers and Check Cashing.